I sort of decided at the last minute to make my oldest daughter a new tutu for her Halloween costume. She's going to be a clown. So today she picked the colors for her tutu and I cut some of the strips of tulle for it and measured the elastic for her waist. I hope I finish it in time!
I'm going to try starching the tulle after I've made the tutu this time to see how that works. The tutu I made for her last year is looking pretty sad, but we didn't really take care of it well. Maybe I should try starching that one too. Hmmm.
Here are the colors she chose. She asked if I had orange too, but I didn't. So. I also cut some strips of white that I'll add to it too. (the lighter color here is a light blue)

I'll post photos of the after if I actually finish it in time.
If you're looking for a tutu for your little one (or big one) let me know. I haven't had a lot of success with selling these so I mostly stopped making them. But if anyone wants one I'll make a special listing in my shop for you! :) http://sentimentaljourney.etsy.com